According to UN estimations, approximately 55% of the world’s population lives in cities and urban areas. This massive urbanization has been exerting significant pressure on natural resources, with the building environment currently accounting for approximately 40% of the annual global energy and contributing indirectly to the increasing concentration of atmospheric carbon. Moreover, many urban areas are in regions susceptible to natural disasters that have been occurring with an increasing frequency due to climate change. The U.S. has sustained 254 weather and climate disasters since 1980 with overall damages/costs exceeding $1.7 trillion. Therefore, there is a great need for enhancing community resilience by constructing more ecofriendly and damage-tolerant structures, as well as exploring novel systems and structural solutions.
CAE Faculty have been addressing structure and infrastructure resilience in a holistic way from investigations on the biocompatibility and durability of cementitious materials and the deployment of non-corrosive rebars in coastal structures and infrastructure components to the morphogenesis of novel systems for traditional applications as well as smart structures. For example, faculty have been working on developing efficient and cost-effective shoreline protection systems with adaptive features that provide a hospitable environment for marine life. Faculty have also been working on community resilience aspects, such as building adaptation against flooding, as well as enhancing engineering education.
CAE Faculty have already established research collaborations with faculty from Arts & Sciences (A&S), the School of Architecture (SoA), and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS). Many of those collaborations focus around topics associated with coastal resilience. Therefore, having additional faculty in this area combined with UM’s unique experimental resources (SUSTAIN Facility) and Miami’s general vulnerability to climate change can promote the Department to a reaserach hub for coastal structure resilience.
9 PhDs with shared duties
7 Scientists, researchers, technicians and visiting scholars with shared duties
CAE Members